The ways in which content marketing can positively affect your business

The ways in which content marketing can positively affect your business

Most video production concepts don’t understand the true power of content marketing and how it can positively affect their business, their brand and their bottom line.

Let’s discuss content marketing, as it’s now commonly referred to and how you can use it to:

  • Attract new clients.
  • Build your brand.
  • Close sales for your services.

There are lots of ways to establish and reinforce the appearance of your video production company, and at the same time attract new clients.

Whether you want to improve your social media optimization, have an attractive and functional website, expand your networking goals, set diverse promotional strategies, we have you covered.

However, there’s one method of lead generation and branding that we consider special and particularly effective for video production. In fact, it’s kind of ironic, because at AJ Creative Studios we are filled with this method. And of course is content marketing.

So, What Exactly Is Content Marketing?

Content, if used right, is what drives the majority of online spending. Whether it’s a write-up on your favorite tech blog, a review on Amazon, or a product placement video on YouTube, content is driving sales more than ever before.

Content marketing can be any of these things and more:

  • A blog post.
  • A video.
  • A podcast.
  • A social media post.
  • An infographic.

The power of content marketing is probably best emphasized by comparing it to traditional marketing. Most forms of traditional marketing could be described as outbound. Examples of this are making cold sales calls to prospects, knocking on doors, putting flyers on car windscreens, etc.

Inbound marketing, on the other hand, is a more modern form of marketing that is more pull in nature – you create content that allows prospects to find you. This form of lead generation is far more powerful, and is what most of the internet and social media is built upon.

Why content marketing: some good reasons to share your experience

Besides the good fun of writing and sharing your knowledge with potential clients and with other people that work in your industry, writing articles is proven to bring in more business and to help establish your brand in the market.

Even if you don’t write the articles yourself, it’s certainly going to benefit you to get your thoughts and ideas out there.


You might write articles to…

  • Help people solve problems.
  • Share your experience, knowledge and success.
  • Comment and discuss your industry.
  • Let prospects and fans know about developments in your company.


Whether people reading your articles are potential clients or not, developing your image online by sharing your knowledge via text, images and (of course) videos will definitely help promote your brand and make you increasingly popular.

As talked about earlier, this is the ancient art of building up a brand identity and crafting your message to your target audience.

Attract clients

Content marketing, if done right, should be the best way to show your clients how good your work is, how professional you are, and how much you know about your business.

Don’t forget, you’re a video production company, so include as many good examples of your work as you can without being overwhelming.

What do I want to talk about? Choosing the correct subjects for content marketing

What you choose to talk about in your content is just as important as how to choose to talk about it. With that said, here are some ideas:

Profitable subjects

Choose subjects that not only might interest your readers, but also focus on profitable keywords. What does this mean? Let’s dive into SEO for a second and discuss some keywords you might consider when writing a blog post for your video production company.

Let’s say you own a video company. You figure you run a video production company, so writing about video production might be a good idea.


With your SEO knowledge, you know that writing about video production related topics (using keywords) is a good way to rank within search engines like Google. You then consider this and choose the keyword ‘video Production Service’ to write about.


As long as you’re not just writing about what your cat had for breakfast, most topics are fair game.

Like it was said at the beginning, content marketing isn’t just about writing blog posts, although most of this article centered around that kind of content marketing. Content can be anything from written blog posts, to videos, to audio podcasts, to social media updates, etc. 

Some ideas for what you might want to talk about on your video production (or social media):

  • Talk about that latest project you just completed last week.
  • Discuss the video production (or filmmaking) industries at large.
  • Talk about general concepts in video production, like camera choices, shot decisions, getting the best audio, etc.
  • Write helpful guides for potential clients.
  • Get certain questions regularly from clients? Answer every question you get and turn into a blog post.
  • Work with a certain type of client regularly? Talk about a topic that really hits home with them.
  • Create case studies that cover projects that you have successfully completed.
  • Talk about something controversial that might go viral.

There is really no end to the potential topics you could cover on your video production. These are just a few ideas. 

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