Reasons to use video marketing in your social media

Reasons to use video marketing in your social media

Social media is constantly changing in the way that we communicate and consume information. Most successful content marketers are delivering content consistently through multiple social media channels. So, it comes as no surprise that with all the content that is posted across these channels, that visual content is more than 40 times more likely to get shared than all-text content. Video is no exception. It is becoming an increasingly important part of the promotional content considering it the most engaging communication channel for their audiences.

The question is – are you making the most of your video assets across social media? You need to be considering your options going forward.

Here are 10 reasons why you should use video in your social media.

1. Grab Your Audience’s Attention

Video is a fantastic tool to get your audience hooked. Unlike a long paragraph, it is extremely easy to consume. Video allows you to be concise and capture viewers’ interest in the first few seconds. Social media success lies in your ability to condense information down into easily digestible clips of content that is long enough to maintain viewers’ attention but short enough to leave them wanting more. You should place clear indicators of the video’s intention at the beginning before users have the chance to scroll away.

2. Search Optimization

All your content should be optimized for search engines and your videos should be no different. Social media channels are becoming like search engines themselves, so it’s important that you make your content relevant and attractive to all viewers. But how do you determine whether you’ll be at the top of the “popular” and “trending” list? Be sure to create compelling headlines and descriptions for your video so it will register in searches, whilst complementing these with relevant hashtags. Twitter offers in depth analytics for every hashtag, detailing key demographics, providing you with a great base to orchestrate your search optimization. Ensure that you add tags to boost search results across YouTube and Facebook.

3. Drive Conversions

No matter which social network you are posting through, you should always have a goal for your video. This involves user action, whether you’re driving traffic to your site, purchasing a product or sharing your video. Your call to action is your virtual handshake with your viewers. If they’ve watched a video all the way through, they have shown interest. You will then need to direct them to take the desired action, something as simple as “to find out more visit here” may be all that is needed. It’s one thing to have compelling content, but it’s also vital to drive conversions.

4. Unique Messaging

Posting a video on social media isn’t dissimilar to a conversation, you can only discuss one thing at a time. Otherwise, your audience will quickly lose interest. With your call to action in mind, your video should be telling the story that leaves viewers wanting more. If you’re adding something to the video that doesn’t contribute directly to the call to action, you may want to consider removing it. You can re-purpose many of your large video assets to focus on unique messages. If done efficiently, the asset can last for months and you’ll have compelling content for the foreseeable future.



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